We love it here!

Below are some videos and pictures of a day in the life of a puppy here!

In our home

They get to meet and play with our older dogs

Story time is so fun with puppies on your lap!

Puppies meet our cats and kittens at a young age!

Our puppies love to be in our home! We love having them here with us for the first 8 weeks until going home with you.

And of course so many snuggles!

Even snuggles in bed!!

On our farm

We let them walk on lots of different surfaces, like snow to name one!

The puppies all get to roam around with us in the grass around the farm. We let them meet the farm animals from a safe distance, and they love playing in the sunshine!

Our Puppy Room and Nursery

The puppies sometimes need a little help when they are born. This is done by our ‘Mid-woof’!