Jessica Baker Jessica Baker

Winter/Spring 2025 Litters…

Polly’s Bernese puppies

Miss PollyAnna had a litter of Bernese Mountain Dog puppies that were born on Valentines day! And Lady Freedom had a litter of Bernedoodle puppies on March second! We are loving all the puppy time! Polly has 7 chubby cubs and Freedom has 5. We are taking deposit now for the available puppies in these two litters. :)

Polly’s Puppies: 6 boys and 1 girl! There are 5 boys and 1 girl available as of now…that will change fast, so reserve yours now! They will be ready to go home after April 11th. They will see the vet at around 7 weeks old. For now, we are just snuggling and cuddling the little chubby things! Their eyes just opened a few days ago, and they are starting to walk around rather than scooting! They are just too cute! We will be posting their puppy video on our YouTube channel soon!

Freedom’s Puppies: 2 boys and 3 girls! There are 2 boys and 2 girls available for now…reserve yours while you can! They will be ready to go home after April 27th. They will see the vet at 7 weeks. Right now they are just tiny little things! We are starting their ENS with them now and that will continue until they are 2 weeks old. The MidWoof (like midwife, but for dogs:) Is still catching up on her sleep from pulling and all-nighter when Freedom was in labor. It’s such a sweet time even though you get pretty sleepy!

Well, that’s all for now! It’s time to go get some more puppy snuggles! :)

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Jessica Baker Jessica Baker

Spring 2024 Bernese Puppies!

Some of our PollyAnna’s Puppies…

We are having so much fun with our set of Spring puppies! Polly has 10 gorgeous puppies that are all about to head to their ‘fur-ever’ homes! They have all been such a joy to work with. :) If you didn’t get one of Polly’s pups, you’re not too late for one of Dixie’s sweeties!

They have all seen the vet, and did so well! Nobody got car sick on the ride to the vet which was a blessing. They were all champs for their vaccines and microchips too!

Dixie’s pups are ready for new homes April 11th. There are 3 sweet girls and 1 adorable boy. We are taking deposits for them now! As a family, we are doing the Spring100 this year. It’s a Christian walking challange to walk 100 miles each spring. It’s fun to carry along a puppy or 2 each day as we walk. :) They are getting used to leashes and crates and all sorts of different things that puppies don’t love at first…That way when you take them into your home, they have less things that they have to ‘meet’ for the first time.

We love all of our little pups so much! If you would like more info on one of our puppies, please feel free to reach out!

Psalms 107:1 - O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

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Jessica Baker Jessica Baker

Polly’s First Litter

She was more than ready for labor to begin.

It began around bedtime while putting the human creatures to bed. Polly became restless and was feeling really big. It’s always nice to know before going to sleep that you won’t be getting any! Truth be told I was nestled in bed already when I heard her whine over the baby monitor. So I turned off my alarm and headed to the whelping room to join her. It took a little reading (with Polly in my lap) before labor was really underway….

T’was a few nights after Christmas and Polly felt as big as a house……there would soon be 9 new creatures joining us in the house!

We spent many an hour together that long happy night! She delivered all the puppies with love and care, learning to nurse and labor without stepping on any of her babies while doing lots of new things. God designed her to know how to do this and I was just privileged to be her Mid-woof on this journey. She lovingly looked to me for comfort when she was feeling nervous. She really loved all the attention and soon began to love the little creatures at her side.

Welcome earthside little tiny one, you will grow so fast!

God’s perfect plan in action, this little one was nursing within 2 minutes of being born!

After safely delivering 9 beautiful puppies she and I went to bed around 8 am, happy and thankful. The children kept the puppies and mom comfortable while I slept! Blessed to be caring for these little ones! Tomorrow will mean dew-claw removal and the beginning of their ENS training. We look forward to getting to know these little creatures.

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